Utah Bull Moose Party

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Senator Hatch, as Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, I ask you why the U.S. is 20 Trillion Dollars in debt? Where did the money go!!?? How will we pay it down?!

Folks, Senator Hatch is a good man, but we’re $20 Trillion in debt – C’mon!  Do any of you out there feel like the Republican or Democrat’s establishments have recently done a good job of producing leaders?  If I were the head of any finance committee that has driven up debt to a level never see before in the history of mankind, I would feel a little embarrassed about it (actually, I would feel extremely ashamed and I would be wondering how the heck I wasn’t fired LONG AGO!!!)

“Doing-the right-thing” intelligently is what most Americans want and need.  Senator Hatch represents huge national debt and participation in a Party that lacks leadership and preparedness when the moment comes to pass needed legislation.  We need people in there with the energy to lean into the wind and drive legislation to fruition that’s in America’s best interests.  The Republican’s are just not making it happen folks.  Not because their initiatives are necessarily bad, but because they lack the leadership to get it done! 

I don’t mean to bash Senator Hatch, but he represents astronomical debt that poses a threat to our sovereignty.  He represents a party that’s produced leadership that so poorly executed the War in Iraq that we had to withdraw with tens of thousands of soldiers maimed for life - and thousand more dead – having gotten nothing good for the effort.  And, he represents a party that is simply unprepared to govern as evidenced by having majorities in the house and senate and a Republican White House that can’t pass legislation they have had years to prepare.  Folks, when it comes time to pass legislation, and you’re in charge, you MUST have done your homework to make sure you’re ready to execute.  Simply put, the Republican party is dysfunctional and needs new leadership from outside the party to clean house and regain focus.

Utah Bull Moose Party - U.S. Senate 2018 – Yea Baby!