Utah Bull Moose Party

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Hey Jude, don’t bring me down – to parody a famous Beatles lyric.

No folks, destruction of America’s founders is not part of the solution.  When Jude Sheeric of the BBC News, Washington, wrote “Should Washington and Jefferson Monuments Come Down?”   (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40978515), 18 August 2017, in the wake of Charlottesville’s unrest, Jude hid behind supposed intelligent journalistic freedom to salaciously smear what is good about American history, heritage, and values.  I find it simpleminded and offensive.

It is offensive when writers, or supposed intelligent scholarly thinkers, spew the trash Jude Sheeric delivered in the August 18th BBC article.  Tearing down monuments, and vilifying our nation’s founders, only serves to undermine the fabric of the ideals that America stands for, and is simply put, a threat to our nation’s security and good order if left unchallenged.  Mankind is imperfect including inspirational men and woman that advance our freedoms and values.  Convicting leaders such as our founders and finding fault with their time in history and their actions should not cast a shadow over or dismiss the actions they took to make the world a better place.  Jude’s assertions do not open intelligent discussion of current events and the potential solutions to our social challenges in a constructive manner. 

I’m not suggesting a limit on free speech at all, and I am supportive of listening to all points of view.  But I am also asking “writers” to deliver fair and balanced debates that look at topics from contrary sides and then take a thoughtful position that is productive and offers intelligent solutions to problems.  Otherwise, they are simply counterproductive noise makers.   

When a journalist hides behind the supposed noble concept of raising issues, presenting intelligent perspectives and facts, and opening a thoughtful discourse, and instead is subtly planting the seeds of unrest and hate that aims to insight divisive behavior, they are little more than provocateurs.  It is easier to be a destroyer of bridges, much harder to be a builder of bridges.

As a well read, open minded, thoughtful and experienced professional, I take offense at these kinds “journalistic” pieces and assert folks should step back and recognize them for what they are – weak thinkers with an inflated vocabulary that’s used to lend credibility to a point of view, but fails to be supported with dates, references, and intelligent solutions that contribute to a meaningful outcome that makes a positive difference.

Sure, as Jude points out, the American founder’s owned slaves, and so did the British, French, Dutch, and Spanish subjects that brought slaves to the America’s decades before in the 17th century (www.history.com/topics/black-history/slavery).  Slaves came to America long before our founders were born and the Untied States became a country. 

So, let’s keep a little perspective.  In fact, its true, our founder’s were of course the very British subjects that rebelled against their own countrymen in the hope of making a better country – we all know this.  And, the record shows they did a pretty good job of getting us on that path.  The United States did not start slavery.  Indeed, slavery was a characteristic embraced by many other cultures throughout human history without regard to race (http://www.blackpast.org/perspectives/roman-slavery-and-question-race).

My point is not one about the use of slaves and the cultures that employed them.  My point is that finding fault with the American founders that vilifies them for being men of their time and diminishes the bold visionary character that Americans value most is juvenile on the surface, and dangerous at the extreme.  Shame on the BBC.

Our country faces challenges as it always has, and always will.  Let’s keep our focus on the most important matters we face and not be baited into agendas that seek to divert our attention and throw fuel onto divisive issues that best serve our adversaries and erode the fabric of the global super-power and leader that we are, and must continue to be.

Utah Bull-Moose Party - 2018