Utah Bull Moose Party

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ACLU – For or Against Voter Registration / Identification

President Trump claims America is a victim of egregious voter fraud and voter IDs should be implemented in order to vote in American elections.  The President says people fraudulently sit in rooms and fill out absentee mail-in ballots, submit them, and have the potential of de-legitimizing the outcome of an election.  But, the boss provides no proof of his assertion having any kind of measurable impact on the outcomes of elections.  Where’s the proof?  Is he making it up?  Is this a non-problem?  Is he basically spewing an emotional opinion that that is not supported by any data or proof?  (https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/491735-trump-republicans-should-fight-very-hard-against-expanded-mail-in).

NPR says they think there is occasionally a little fraud, but it’s a non-problem, and usually an innocent mistake, not deliberate fraud.  NPR cites a professor of political scientist professor at the University of New Mexico who also says it’s a non-problem.  Sure, it’s argued, some fraud likely exists, but such fraud is so small that the outcomes of elections are not changed due to the fraud.  But, NPR does not provide any data to prove this assertion. (https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/04/07/829323152/fact-check-is-mail-ballot-fraud-as-rampant-as-president-trump-says-it-is).

The ACLU is not against mail in ballots, but they are against voter registration and IDs because they say 1.) IDs deprive American’s the right to vote, 2.) They reduce voter turnout because if you don’t have the ID, you can’t go vote. 3.) Many people can’t afford a voter ID card 4.) Disabled voters can’t travel to get an ID. 5.) Minorities are discriminated against because they lack government issued IDs 6.) Cost to government for having to issue and educate voters on cards is excessive. (https://www.aclu.org/other/oppose-voter-id-legislation-fact-sheet)

Regarding mail in ballots, I’m not against mail in ballots.  When I was deployed overseas, I was offered the chance to vote using a mail in ballot.  In fact, the military assigns an officer the additional duty of being responsible for assisting service members who are deployed the opportunity to have their ballots submitted.  I see nothing wrong with this, and I see everything right with it.  The troops putting their lives on the line are citizens and should be empowered to exercise their right to vote.  Mail in ballots should be properly controlled and counted, and there are mechanisms to do that.  Its simply a question of implementing controls to minimize the threat of fraudulent ballots.

Regarding voter IDs, I see the argument by the ACLU as weak and fallacious.  If voting is important to you, you will find a way to mail your ballot in, or go to the voting booth in person with an ID.  There needs to be a fiber of personal responsibility in taking the initiative to go and vote – its as simple as that in my mind.  I see no evidence in the arguments made by the President that warrant disallowing mail-in ballots, or the ACLU in coming out against America ensuring people voting actually have the right to vote.  I do not see a reason to avoid implementing methods that ensure American elections are limited to citizens who have the right to vote – using, among other mechanisms, identification methods to validate that a person is an American citizen that has the right to vote