Why Start a New Party?
“Essayons” A grass-roots effort born in Eden, Utah the “Utah Bull-Moose Party” vision is about a positive outlook on America and Utah and leading the way for the next 100 years and beyond. Looking forward, America has all the tools it needs to inspire and lead global innovation, prosperity, resiliency and peace. We won’t be dragged down by weak-spirited, negative personalities that preach doom and gloom and say, “can’t be done” and especially that America is somehow a declining power. Unacceptable! That’s not who we are. And we are not intimidated by adversaries that seek to scare and weaken our resolve to lead what’s healthy for America and what’s right in the world.
All we need to do is pick ourselves up when we stumble and embrace a mindset of action to make a difference in every corner of our society, governance, and businesses. Accepting nothing less than success, and never defeat, and embracing the work ethic that goes with it is all that’s needed - that’s our American tradition.
This is the spirit of the Utah Bull-Moose Party. It only takes a decision to accept nothing less. It can be done. Through a strong work ethic, a willingness to take risks, recover from missed opportunities and failures when they inevitably come, Utah and America will ultimately achieve our goals.
A lot of American’s, including good rank and file folks who identify as democrats and republicans have become disenchanted with the “rebranding” of their parties by their entrenched senior leadership who keep a dysfunctional stranglehold on progress. When that happens, it’s time to replace that leadership and those who support them with representatives that will put America’s interests before party interests. For many, the Republican Party has been rebranded in dark, obstructive, un-American ways. The Democrats have offered fringe minority ideas that divert from what made America the great nation it is and frankly from what most American want. We invite them all to support the Utah Bull Moose Party efforts. Promoting and representing America’s and Utah’s interests is something we all have a vested interest in, and for the sake of ourselves and those we care for, should all take seriously. Our interests fundamentally include:
No American Left Behind - Solutions to Health Care access for all working Americans.
A healthy economy with emphasis on access to health care for all working Americans and their families.
Security from those who would harm our way of life and the intent of our constitutional values, rights, and system of government.
Promotion of American values, with a clear eye toward social accountability and responsibility that goes hand-in-hand with our “rights.”
Rules-based governance both nationally and internationally.
Today America needs representatives who are leaders. Not party devotees that seek party interests first and reelection fortunes foremost. The dynamic fast-paced challenges America faces today erupt on a moment’s notice. Platforms and promises are good starting points, and general philosophies and goals are important to have. But more important are the leaders and representatives you select who possess the right frames of mind, experience, and tools to react intelligently and quickly to both unanticipated events and the persistent challenges America faces. Your most effective leaders and representatives will be the ones who can listen, digest the facts intelligently, filter assumptions and leverage staffs of people, interagency personnel, and supporting expertise to generate viable courses of action that tackle the challenges America faces. Representatives and leaders with the confidence, levelheadedness, and experience to flourish in these circumstances will assure America’s best outcomes. The key for you is to assess whether the candidates you are presented with are up to the job and then choose the best one. Today, I stand as a choice for you.
How we achieve our interests in quantifiable and measurable ways is always the challenge. Read more below.
Visit the Colonel
Stop by our campaign headquarters at The Mad Moose Café during business hours. Get directions.
Campaign Headquarters
(The Mad Moose Café)
2429 N Hwy 158
Eden, UT 84310
10AM - 9PM
Who is Mike Seguin?
Personal Life
Colonel Mike Seguin (U.S. Army - RETD) is currently the owner of The Mad Moose Café in Eden, Utah - a family business with solid community roots that employs community kids in what’s for most, their first job.
Though 9/11 took him abroad for most of the last 20 years, his family was raised in Utah where he has called home for the past 40 years. Mike graduated from Weber State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science (1986) and Westminster College with a Master’s Degree in Business (1998). He is a Retired U.S. Army Colonel, a former Utah National Guardsman, and a graduate of the Utah Military Academy (1988).
Mike also recently graduated from the United States Army War College with a Master’s Degree in Strategic Studies in 2017. Since 9/11 he has served numerous overseas active-duty tours at America’s Major Combatant Commands in Europe and the Pacific, and in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (Afghanistan). Having commanded our troops north and south of the equator, worked with our allies abroad, shaped American policy, aid, and relationships, he has the tools and insight to be effective in assuring Americas interests within our capabilities. When not serving in a military assignment, Mike was also a State Department Officer with the United States State Department having served our country in U.S. Embassies around the world including Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Albania, and most recently the U.S. Embassy in Armenia. As a major corporate officer and small business leader, he has negotiated contracts on an international and local level, created jobs, grown our economy, contributed to our tax base, and mentored our youths in constructive, healthy, American institutional practices.
If you like the idea of a common-sense steady alternative to the established parties “senior leadership” that have “rebranded” themselves in ways unattractive to so many of us, then consider an alternative option - an option that focuses on the kind of RESULTS you want. Consider supporting an accomplished well-educated patriot who is informed, representative of Utah’s culture and values, and a change worth considering. Consider Mike as a responsible option. If you want to learn more about Mike, “The Mad Moose", come down to the Mad Moose Café in Eden, Utah, to meet and discuss what’s on all our minds.
Achieving Our Fundamental Interests
In an ever-increasingly dangerous and competitive world that’s challenging what we’ve come to know, enjoy, and frankly take for granted as global peace and stability, informed leaders are needed more than ever - right? Doing the “Right Thing” and not falling victim to emotion stirring demagoguery that’s too often long on words and short on RESULTS is an idea most of us can get behind. Though the apparatus that selects the leaders of both the Republican and Democratic Parties have let some of us down, The Utah Bull-Moose Party invites all voters, including Republican Party members and Democrats, to get behind it in the forthcoming 2022 Senate election season and support this platform in the 2022 Utah U.S. Senate race. Folks, you deserve it, and you’re worth it!
At the national level, the Republican Party has demonstrated its lack of preparedness to deliver on key legislation as evidenced by not having a health care reform bill or plan prepared when they took office - the same holds true for the Democrats. The Democratic Party has failed to offer a galvanizing vision that could resonate with voters strongly enough to get reelected in 2016, and now is struggling to move their agenda forward in 2022. Both have failed to get our economic house in order as evidenced by declining relative U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), an unprecedented ~$25+ trillion national debt, and trillion-dollar national deficits. Though the financial markets are high, and unemployment is lowering since the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, many still have an uneasy sense of what’s on the horizon - including populist and ultra-nationalist movements around the world and the worrisome messages they deliver. With the 2024 presidential election just around the corner - will we stack congress with the caustic representatives who are still in elected office, or will we use 2022 to make sure we have the right people elected to the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives to make sure our republic is safe from those who would undermine it? Globalization has made America so interdependent on other countries that many of us feel if any part of it breaks down, we are somehow going to be unprepared to help ourselves and may find ourselves vulnerable. We worry about our household security, our children’s security, our health care, our retirements, and our futures. Why is that?
The answer is leadership. Positive leadership with vision - that inspires a hopeful positive future. The Utah Bull Moose Party is about implementing good decisions wherever they come from. Whether a good proposal comes from the Republican side, or Democrat side in Congress it is the policy that counts and not the faction that proposed it. The bickering between those currently holding office is not moving our national interests in a positive direction, its stymieing progress, and doing us grave harm. Is there anything that can be done about it? There is – we can elect new, informed, and responsible leaders in 2022 who are more focused on fixing the problems we face inside the rules and intent of governance that has made America a great nation - and not the shallow priority of getting re-elected for selfish interests ahead of America’s interests. We can elect leaders who are committed to “Doing-The-Right-Thing” in those areas that count the most.
In recent years, the “party machines” have offered up candidate options that leave us with a choice that too often leaves us with only two divisive choices - but we can do better than that - right! Instead of voting for the same under-developed visions and messages, and hoping for a better result, this time you have an alternative – The Utah Bull Moose Party (“The People’s Party”). Imagine, a party of regular, yet well informed, folks who are only focused on doing the right thing for America, for all of us Americans, and not getting immersed in for profit sensationalistic media driven name calling that takes our eyes off what are America’s most important matters - matters we can do something about.
We can do better. Maybe you would like to try new leadership that offers a little more, a little better? Maybe you would like to see new leadership that seeks to grow and sustain our economic fortunes, increase our national security, calm and stability at home, and leadership that focuses on improving or national finances and reducing that national debt load? Maybe the next Senator from Utah could be a representative of the new Utah Bull-Moose Party! The Bull-Moose Party invites you, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and all other comers, to get behind us in 2022. The Bull-Moose Party calls on all voters, YOU, to embrace term-limits and steer the parties away from caustic senior career politicians who some argue that by definition must be more interested in holding on to political office more than serving the interests and intentions of people they represent. How long have we, YOU, waited for this? This time, you have a choice!
Examples such as The Grand Staircase - Escalante and Bear Ear National Monument lands, and more recently the failed efforts to reform the Affordable Care Act (ACA), known as Obamacare, are symptomatic of failures to proactively lead legislative actions that are ready to meet our needs when the moment of truth arrives. Maybe you are ready for a new paradigm for leading legislative action? Leadership means already being prepared with legislation and a winning game-plan when the moment of opportunity comes to advance our interests and agenda. Would you prefer to have leadership that is leaning forward and having the homework done before new legislation comes before the House and Senate for a vote? Or are you satisfied to continue with the caustic rebranding of the predominate parties by senior leaders that horrify us, and dramas that distract us from what’s truly important, and fall way short in quantifiable results?
Is a leaning-forward, positive can-do attitude that focuses on results and a sense of urgency to get the job done something new you’d be interested in supporting? How about only supporting such candidates - and dismissing the noise of candidates who say “I’m your candidate because the fellow over there is____ (choose your insult). Maybe you would like to try hiring someone new. Maybe that’s the kind of attitude you can get behind? The Utah Bull-Moose Party promotes ACTION in the spirit of President Roosevelt’s 1912 Progressive Party and what we today call a "fair-deal." Yes, a “Progressive” party that strengthened child labor laws and supported giving women the right to vote. Intelligence in government matters that simply and confidently promotes a “Fair-Deal” (like on health care) and GETS THE JOB DONE by balancing the special interests of business with the basic social needs of our people and leaving no American without the minimum resources to survive, as well as the enduring health and global leadership of the United States.
Folks, it will take time. To achieve the kind of change you want - the cultural change needed - you need to get the attention of the “rebranded” Republican and Democratic Party’s senior leadership - not the hard-working rank and file in those parties who do the right thing, but have little voice, and cast your votes in the direction of a firmly grounded patriotic third party. This must be done through the election cycles of both the House of Representatives and Senate. Stay true to the course and you will break the grid lock. One election cycle won’t do it alone. One good candidate won’t make it happen. Electing candidates - even promoting them in the caucasus -under a third-party flag that purges the two and six year terms allotted to elected candidates who have become part of the problem, is what it will take. When senior party leadership see you are serious about wanting better governance, better leadership, better vision, better inspiration by casting your vote for a third-party candidate, only then will they change their focus on the health of America, and not the longevity of their elected positions. Let’s get to work on good leadership. Because you’re worth it - and YOU deserve it!!!