Utah Bull Moose Party

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Hey Senator Hatch, where’s the proposed $400 billion budget deficit coming from this year?

Insidegov.com reports the U.S. Government will run a $392 billion dollar budget deficit this year (http://federal-budget.insidegov.com/l/121/2018-Estimate).  Double take – WHAT?!  Does anyone know how many zeros that is?  Mr. Hatch, as our country’s CFO (Chief Financial officer) & Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, how are we going to pay that back?  You have been there for over 40 years!  Why do you keep running us into such debt?!  Don’t you understand that doing this indefinitely will result in catastrophe?

Oh yeah, it gets worse.  Budget deficits are projected for the entire 4 years of the Trump administration.  In fact, Insidegov.com reports that 45 of the last 50 budgets have all been underfunded.  And now, we are $20 trillion, and counting, in debt – more than our annual GDP (Gross Domestic Product).  Folks, that’s a pretty BIG red flag.  Again, Mr. Hatch, who will pay all that money back, and how?

What’s your plan?

Of course, many of you know how we pay for the deficit and come up with the shortfall.  We don’t raise taxes, we don’t reduce spending, we just borrow it (http://federal-budget.insidegov.com/l/121/2018-Estimate) – from our adversaries,  Nice! 

Mr. Hatch, can you float me a loan?!

Seriously folks, this is not good.  Each man, woman, and baby born today owes as citizens of the United States of America over $50,000 to pay this back.  This my friends is unsustainable.

As a combat arms U.S. Army Colonel that knows how to successfully create an executable and measurable plan, a diplomat who has advanced America’s interests in countries that have lived through complete economic meltdowns, and a businessman that knows how to successfully execute a winning and profitable business plan, I can tell you that what Congress is doing is, well, bad.

Folks, we need a coherent plan.  If we don’t pull our heads out now and get our arms around this, our kids and grandchildren will be singing some very sad songs… perhaps even the “Ode to Orrin Hatch” hymn.  Please pardon my animation on this matter.  I have never met Senator Hatch, and I don’t mean to make this a personal matter whatsoever.  I am sure he is a good honest man.  However, none of that is going to take care of your kids and grandchildren when they’re learning to speak Chinese and polish their master’s cars as migrant workers in Beijing.

I’m a results driven person.  I don’t care if your affiliated with either the Republicans or the Democrats.  I don’t care if you are black, green, orange, red, white, or blue.  I just want a plan to fix it.  Nothing that I have seen from Senator Hatch’s office suggests there is any kind of plan to get our fiscal house in order.  In fact, to the contrary, all indications are we’ll keep riding this train off the tracks, with the bridge out up ahead, and let the party, song, and dance flow until we crash and burn.

The Utah Bull Moose Party proposes a better way.  Why not leverage the Republican party’s deep pockets and institutional expertise and develop a plan that digs us out of the hole so we can once again become the lender to the world, buttress our security interests, and obtain an economic model that is once again the unabashed envy of the world?  Is that a train you’d be willing to board?

It’s not too late to do this folks.  It will take aggressive and intelligent leadership.  It will take time and there will be ebbs and flows, but with an intelligent plan, the United States can be righted and avert modern day Rome from slipping through our hands.

Utah Bull Moose Party – U.S. Senate – 2018 – Yea Baby!!! – Let’s fix it!!!