Utah Bull Moose Party

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Understanding the Behavior and Leadership of the Boss, and Understanding Us

Understanding the Boss’s behavior is a matter some of us wrestle with.  Folks, I want us to win.  I want all our branches of government, our democratic process, and our elected representatives to enjoy success.  I want this for our families, and the health of all of us.  And, I want our President to know what he’s talking about when he speaks to us.  I want President Trump to be successful.    

So how is the President doing as a leader and where does he lie on the spectrum of leadership?  On the spectrum of leadership, with, say, one end being an uninformed demagogue with their hair on fire spewing passion that the masses want to hear, but who is unable to intelligently lead with well-developed plans and facts, and will inevitably lead you off a cliff; and at the other end an experienced, inspired, and passionate leader that will not lie to you, will not make facts up, and will not necessarily tell you what you want to hear, but will tell you the truth with verified facts, intelligent plans, and responsible behavior, and who gets unambiguous results, YOU must choose where you insist your leaders lay.  You must choose where you place your vote and where you believe your limited choices in leadership is taking us.  You of course must decide what you will excuse and won’t excuse.  And, as I have commented before, you “will all” inevitably weigh-in on this, since even a decision to not vote, is a vote that’s counted. 

Is President Trump advancing U.S. interests internationally and at home?  They are both important folks.  It is very important since you are the free people of modern-day Rome and are the custodians of the only superpower – a democratic superpower.  You are the stabilizing global influence the world presently enjoys – and you can lose it just as Rome and all the other Empires have lost their position on the global stage before us.  It’s your time to advance the interests of the United States, your homes, families, and friends, or mark these times as the turning point when the United States acquiesces its enviable position of leading the global agenda and the interests of the American people?  You decide.

Is the leadership you have what you demand?  A few days ago, in an interview with Jonathan Swan and Stef Kight, President Trump made statements that are simply not true (https://www.axios.com/trump-birthright-citizenship-executive-order-0cf4285a-16c6-48f2-a933-bd71fd72ea82.html).  This is not an excusable aberration or rare slip of the tongue of no consequence that we all can make as fallible humans, this is a consistent behavior of miscommunicating the facts in order to advance an agenda.  And, for the moment, this routine behavior is excused.

The Boss said the U.S. is the only country with birthright citizenship (called “Jus Soli”), and he is interested in changing the 14th amendment to reverse America’s Jus Soli policy.  But, the notion that America is the only country that permits birthright citizenship, as part of the justification that supports desired change to the 14th Amendment, is not true (Reference 30 countries, including America’s only two boarding nations, observing “Jus Soli”: https://www.quora.com/In-which-countries-do-you-automatically-get-a-passport-and-citizenship-if-you-are-born-there-regardless-of-the-nationality-of-childs-parents). 

However, my point is much deeper than this example of misleading information.  I want our President to be well briefed, informed, and responsible for the correct details associated with all matters, including the facts he uses to further his initiatives.  I want passionate leadership that cares to “Do-the-right-thing,” and, I want intelligent prepared leadership.  So then, the question arises: “why?”  Why, does the POTUS consistently seem to relay facts that are not true – not my opinion – look it up for yourself.  And, why do so many people excuse it? 

I know why.  And though I am not a particular fan of Michael Moore, I think he captured the circumstances well during the run up to the 2016 presidential election (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKeYbEOSqYc).  He said: “… whether he means it or not,” (Candidate Trump) he’s saying the kinds of things, to people who are hurting, they want to hear… “he’s the Molotov cocktail they have been waiting for… the human hand Grenade they can legally throw into the system that stole their (middle-class) lives from them… …the one thing that doesn’t cost them a cent that’s guaranteed to them by the Constitution – the right to vote… they will vote for the man who will up end and over turn the very system that has ruined their lives.”  “They see the elites who ruined their lives hate Trump, corporate America hates Trump, Wall Street hates Trump, the career politicians hate Trump, the media hates Trump,”… the enemy of my enemy is who I am voting for on November 8th, 2016.”  “Yes, you on November 8th, Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, Billy Bob Blow, all the Blows, on November 8th (2016) get to blow up the whole…. system…. Because it’s-your-right.”

Two years on, and having spoken to my employees, my family, trusted colleagues, and friends.  I get it, and I think Michael Moore was on target when he forecasted Candidate Trump’s victory.  I believe I understand.  And, its not just the disenfranchised that support the Boss.  The Boss is excused from his behavior because his base, those who support him, see him as the change agent.  They see Trump as the person who will finally make positive change in D.C. and they therefore overlook any lapse in facts or leadership he may be responsible for.  His supporters are not dumb.  They know he makes mistakes and fails to fact check, but they don’t care.  He tells them what they want to hear, and, he is doing his best to come through on his promises in their view.  So, if you can’t understand why even extremely well educated and successful people support The Boss, I am here to tell you it’s because they are willing to ignore and excuse seemingly unprepared behavior for what they see as the bigger picture of “resetting” America’s focus and leadership and breaking the “do-nothing” gridlock the predominate political parties in D.C. have demonstrated.  I get it!

When The Boss said in January of 2016, “You know what else they say about my people? The polls, they say I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters.” (https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/01/23/trump_i_could_stand_in_the_middle_of_fifth_avenue_and_shoot_somebody_and_i_wouldnt_lose_any_voters.html).  So, to understand The Boss’s behavior, you must also understand the mindset of the people that support him.  You must understand that for them, The Boss represents the person who will fix the perceived failure of government to fix what’s not being fixed.  In their minds, they are willing to accept behavior whether it’s inappropriate or not, because they want the greater outcome of the change they desire to be realized.    

Is their cause for concern?  Are there red flags when the Commander and Chief consistently says things that are not true, and feels there’s no need to bother with “getting-it-right”?  I get the line of thought, and I can even buy some rationality in that line of thinking.  I, and the Utah Bull Moose Party Platform, have the same disdain for the impotent leadership the Republican and Democratic Parties have demonstrated in recent decades.  I support neither of them and I am the first to step up and say they need to clean their houses of broken leadership that has demonstrated an incapacity to govern.  They need to support new leadership from outside their organizations because of their incapacity to self-correct from within. Or, their supporters need an alternative third party that will advance American values in a healthy direction.  Otherwise, you will continue to get what you complain about.

So, if the Boss is making stuff up, he is either doing it deliberately, simply does not care, or he is incompetent, right?  Look, an occasional mistake is something we all make – quite excusable.  But at the POTUS level with the resources and staff he has at his disposal, he has the ability to be well prepared with formulated thoughts and justifications for all his initiatives.  So, does he make things up, or fail to do his homework and fact checking because he sees it as of no consequence because, dare I say, the electorate are sheep and easily manipulated, or, he knows the electorate just does not care – they just want the house burnt down?  Both?

I’m a pretty average guy, and I always try to fact check anything I say publicly.  I try to, and take great care to, shape any messages I would deliver, whether to senior leaders, or communities I engage with, with the position that folks are no more able to be manipulated than I.  I do this so that I am perceived as a person of credibility and who’s word you can trust – a person others can have trust and confidence in following because they know they won’t be left behind or let down.  If I were to try and appeal to the people’s emotions, even then I would do so with the facts.  Why bother?  Because I believe most people under normal circumstances would call me an idiot if I consistently were unprepared.  I would lose all credibility.  I would be fired.

So, how far are you willing to go in giving The Boss free rein?  I think pretty far – for the moment.  I think his supporters believe that there are checks and balances in our Constitutional system, and if matters get out of hand or go too far, he can be reined in.  They are not afraid.

I want our President to be successful folks.  I’m rooting for the success of The Boss, the administration, and America.  President Trump is the leader of Team U.S.A.  It is in mine and my family’s, and all of our best interests, for the POTUS to be successful.  But, I do want better.  I do want the change agent in D.C.  I want passionate leadership that will deliver what we want.  I want a well-informed leader that knows the facts and formulates a well-prepared game plan. 

Folks, I want better.
