Utah Bull Moose Party

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Ukrainian Hoodwinks and Shenanigans - “Stop Voting Republican or Democrat”

Folks, Don’t Be Hoodwinked by current Political Shenanigans in Ukraine. - The Slippery Slope of corruption. If it looks like a fish, smells like a fish, and tastes like a fish, it’s a fish!. But, lets let due-process take its course and impeachment proceedings unfold. My sense is we then let the people decide who to elect one year from now, unless findings are so egregious they warrant immediate presidential dismissal for high crimes and misdemeanors.

As many of you know, I’m a former senior U.S. State Department employee and a former U.S. Army Colonel – now quietly masquerading as the proprietor of The Mad Moose Café in Eden, Utah – well, as quietly as good conscious permits me that is.  I have worked for years in U.S. Embassies around the world, commanded military units north and south of the equator, and have worked intimately with foreign ministries on security assistance matters in the former Soviet Union as part of my role as a senior officer in European Command’s Policy, Plans and Strategy Directorate.  So, though I know I am not the sharpest tack in the box, I have a little insight into what unethical and inappropriate behavior looks like.

Specifically, I am referring to recent scandals that are undermining and plaguing our government at the highest levels of leadership.  Of course, I am talking about President Trump and former V.P Joe Biden’s dealings with Ukraine.  I know, “Oh no,” you may be thinking, “not another extremist politically charged view…  Here we go again, another 5 minutes of my life stolen.”  Right!?  And, maybe you’re right.  But maybe, just maybe, this piece has some fiber of merit to it.  Maybe the crazy Colonel running the Mad Moose Cafe has something intelligent, or at least thought provoking, to share…. Or, at least deserves an earful from you, and maybe a swift kick in the butt down at The Mad Moose to help set my moral and ethical compass straight.

Folks, I say let’s take a deep breath and let the process of our fundamental governmental checks and balances take their course.  The matter at hand will be transparently assessed It is appropriate for our legislators to do their job of due-process to address an accusation and not sweep it under the carpet.  There is no worry here if no one did anything wrong.  If something was done wrong, then matters will take their logical course.  Remember, impeachment is simply an “indictment” to look into whether there was wrong doing.  If the facts and findings suggest there was wrongdoing, the matter goes to the Senate for final vote on whether to remove the president for having committed high crimes and misdemeanors.  Let the process play out.  It is healthy for America to do so.

Now, my personal sense is, the impeachment process will take weeks, if not longer to play out.  By the time the impeachment process reaches its conclusion, there will be less than 52 weeks until the next presidential election.  So, my current thinking, not seeing the results of the impeachment still unfolding, and based on the facts we all know, is that wrongdoing was committed, but I am not convinced immediate removal of the President is warranted.  Though he currently enjoys a poor approval rating (https://news.gallup.com/poll/267182/trump-job-approval-higher-approval-person.aspx), I say with his limited term remaining, let the people decide at the ballot box.  The people will decide and do the right thing in November 2020.        

Either way this goes, I hope you come tell me where I am off base if you feel I am out of line… honestly, I could use a good vector check.  But holistically, these are my current thoughts. Here goes….  I begin by posing some questions to you:  have you had enough of it yet?  When does the time come to turn your backs on both the Republican and Democratic Parties – including those middle and junior level candidates who identify with either party and blindly follow, excuse, and enable the machines that are producing the leaders we’re being fed?  Are you entitled to better?  Do you deserve better?  Do you want better?  Or, are you happy?

 Folks, we do not have to drill any deeper than the most fundamental facts on this current Ukraine scandal to see the disease and rot that infects and has corrupted both parties at the most senior levels.  Former V.P Joe Biden has leveraged his position to install his son Hunter into a $50,000 per month (PER MONTH!) job on the board of a Ukrainian gas company.  President Trump has “gone-around” established, and transparent, American diplomatic institutions (The United States State Department) and used a private party (Rudy Giuliani), not the U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine (ongoingly vacant) to “discretely” negotiate with foreign agents in Europe to shape a political agenda and narrative that would enhance his political fortunes among American voters as we approach the 2020 presidential election season.  Let’s be honest with ourselves, these facts are not in dispute.

 I like to imagine that I am not completely alone or out of touch with reality, and I feel I still have some remnant of what American values are and the important responsibilities accepted when the oaths of offices associated with key leadership positions are taken.  And, I don’t accept the excuse of “That’s Politics.”  I know, and you know, corruption and unethical behavior when I see it.  As the saying goes, “if it looks like a fish, smells like a fish, and tastes like a fish, IT’S A FISH!  In this case, both Party’s senior leadership has demonstrated a glaring example of how they have lost their ethical and moral compasses – assuming they ever had one - as they engage in their epoch battle for power.  I ask, do we as American’s deserve better?  I think yes!  And I think you don’t have to accept it.  Consider your options the next time you go to the ballot box.  Ask yourself whether a vote for a democrat or republican is a vote to enable the machines that you so often express disgust with.  And consider saying no.  Consider voting for candidates that are focused on “Doing-the-Right-Thing” and not affiliated with the Democrat or Republican parties if you care about fixing D.C.  Consider saying “no” to any Republican or Democratic candidate and opt for individuals that will “Do the Right Thing” for America.

Folks, I invite you to come to “The Mad Moose” and tell me where I am wrong, and why.  Tell me if my attitude that two wrongs don’t make a right is old fashioned or outdated.  Tell me why we have the very best leadership we can hope for and why we do not deserve better.  And in the meantime, I will be thankful that, for the moment, I still live in America where we have not descended so far down the corruption slide that I can have this 1st Amendment moment with you, not yet worry about receiving a knock on the door in the night, and ultimately find that my loved one’s filing of a missing person’s report has faded into obscurity and forever forgotten… not yet.

 Is it too much to ask of our elected representatives to “Do the right thing”?!?

 In the meantime, “China Shows Off Military Might at 70th Anniversary Parade” (https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-china-49891769). China and our adversaries are loving how we are wasting our time and resources while they are focused on strengthening their political, economic, and military presence on the global stage. Folks, why are you empowering parties and leadership that distracts us from the real threats we face? Demand effective leadership!

Extreme views? I think not. Utah Bull Moose Party - U.S. Senate 2022

COL Mike Seguin (US Army, Ret.)

Owner: The Mad Moose Café

 P.S. Is that sound I hear Theodore Roosevelt rolling over in his grave?