Utah Bull Moose Party

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Gaming the Truth Senator Lee: We’re Good on all that RIGHT?! FOLKS, YOU CAN FIX THIS (Un-Abridged)

Gaming the Truth Senator Lee: No comment on Attorney General William Barr’s interference in the Stone Case, No Worries on the Kaine Resolution, and No Cause for Alarm in Favoritism Regarding Pardons for Convicted Felons? We’re Good on all that RIGHT?!

We’ve all seen it.  But folks, you can fix this.

When DOJ AG William Barr says he had no conversation with President Trump or the White House regarding his unprecedented (no pun intended) interference in the case against the President’s convicted felon buddy, Roger Stone, we are asked to accept that (https://www.cnbc.com/2020/02/13/ag-barr-says-trumps-tweets-make-it-impossible-for-me-to-do-my-job.html).  And, it may be true - kinda.  The truth can have many faces when weaved by these smart guys.  We are sadly vulnerable to manipulation of the truth by the public servants many of us expect to rise to a higher standard.  AG Barr, if your Boss is making it “impossible for me to do my job” then quit! Novel, right?  But folks, you can fix it.

You see, we can take AG Barr’s claim at face value that he “did not confer with the President,” his boss, “on the matter.”  No conspiracy theories needed here. But we know that Mr. Barr is aware of his boss’s position on Roger Stones’ verdict in his felony conviction case – we all know because he tweets it.  And, Mr. Barr knows exactly what the President expects of him - even without conversation about the matter.   

It’s like this, when a clever operator hires someone, he does so with the understanding that his new employee performs with a keen understanding of his intent.  The boss does not have to confer, order, or say anything directly to the new employee that carries out his orders.  You either act within the intent and expectations of the “boss” or you get fired.  An example: if Al Capone, ya’know, the famous gangster - perhaps you’ve heard of him -tells one of his henchmen “say, Bob over there needs to be taken care of.”  Hello!!!  Folks, we all know that does not mean please take Bob out to dinner!!!  Right?!  It means get rid of him.  C’mon, we’re not naive about this, are we?!

In fact, in the military there’s a doctrinal name for this practice.  It’s called “Mission Command.”  It allows junior leaders to understand the intent of the higher commander and thereby act within his intent in the absence of specific guidance when circumstances change and evolve.  The difference between an operator like Al Capone and an Army commander is of course integrity.  One operates with the intent to do the right thing, and the other uses it to circumvent the law and engage in criminal activity.  To behave with anything less than complete integrity would be corrosive to the organization and lead to a lack of trust and faith in the chain of command. So, the integrity of those we elect to represent America is the key - am I tracking with you on this?

In the Stone case, you haven’t heard a peep out of the Oval Office regarding direct orders to interfere.  Why is that?  It’s because Mr. Barr is the President’s latest patsy.  If the Stone matter subsides, Barr’s a good sock-puppet.  If the matter explodes, the boss can fire him for incompetence - leaving himself unaccountable (that is, if you, the registered voter so chooses).  See how it works folks.  We’re kinda smart on this, right?

Meanwhile, over 1,000 DOJ professionals have called for AG Barr to resign for his actions in interfering with the President’s buddy’s conviction (https://medium.com/@dojalumni/doj-alumni-statement-on-the-events-surrounding-the-sentencing-of-roger-stone-c2cb75ae4937) – not to mention the prosecution team that has also resigned in disgust (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/11/us/politics/roger-stone-federal-prosecutors.html).  Are you all okay with this?  Senator Lee, you’re leading the campaign that promotes this kind of leadership - right?  You okay with this too?  Folks, you can fix this.

Hmmm, where have we heard all this before – oh, yeah, Rear Admiral Green resigned his post a couple weeks ago in the Navy because of the President’s interference in UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice) proceedings in the Gallagher SPECOPS Navy Seal case (https://www.businessinsider.com/navy-seal-resigns-disagreements-with-trump-collin-green-2020-2). So much for good order and discipline in the ranks of our time-honored services… you betcha baby - you’re next!  Folks, your commissioned and enlisted military leaders are by and large good folks.  They are YOU, your communities, your neighbors.  Eroding this institution is not healthy for any of us.  Folks, you can fix this. 

Oh, and where is Senator Lee on all this?  No peep there either.  Weird, right?  Why is that?  It’s because Senator Lee is struggling since he took the “Scenic Route” from disdain, to “enlightened” support, for his master (The POTUS).  You see, now Mr. Lee is confronted with a “Catch-22.”  If he supports Mr. Barr’s interference in the Stone case – ya’know, the President’s convicted felon bud - then you again pretty much have convincing proof that Senator Lee will say and do ANYTHING to support his Party and re-election aspirations – including turning a blind eye on misuse of power and a miscarriage of the justice system.  An misuse so egregious that, again, over 1,000 department of justice professionals have called for, by name and in writing, AG Barr’s resignation. https://medium.com/@dojalumni/doj-alumni-statement-on-the-events-surrounding-the-sentencing-of-roger-stone-c2cb75ae4937.  Senator Lee, your silence on the matter is deafening.  What-are-we-to-do?  Folks, you can fix this.

On the other hand, if Mr. Lee  does not take Mr. Barr’s position (and by default his Boss’s position) that it is okay for the Attorney General’s (Mr. Barr’s) organisation (Department of Justice) to interfere in the due process of the President’s friend’s case, then how can he morally justify his support for a POTUS that abuses the law?  How can Senator Lee continue in good conscience lead the Utah effort to re-elect a president - who he himself empowered to behave outside the law?  Folks, you can fix this. 

You see Senator Lee, when you decided to become a sock-puppet, you became a tool for the powers who now own you – and you serve - instead of a champion for America and the American people and a representative who takes his role as gatekeeper of our Constitutional system of checks and balances.  Now, you are jammed into a corner.  In fact, Senator Lee, because you did not even move to censure the President for his misuse of power in “rolling” the new Ukrainian president or his obstruction of justice in failing to yield to Congressional, “You’re,” subpoenas, you have given the POTUS free rein to trample you, Congress, and the laws that protect the people of the land.  Thanks… good job… I look forward to the next election.  Folks, don’t you deserve A LOT better?  If I am wrong on this please come down to The Mad Moose, kick my butt, and give me a reset (not too hard though please, remember as previously written, I bruise easily). 

Folks, you can fix this.

Oh, and a parting rant if I may.  While the recent Kaine Resolution, restricting the President’s war powers, due to the concerns of many in Congress, Republican and Democrat alike, who voted in favor of it (https://www.politico.com/news/2020/02/13/cotton-amendment-war-powers-bill-114815) (my gosh, what does that say about what’s going on in their heads?) - fearing that the POTUS may not act responsibly regarding military force, (y’think?), makes its way through the process of: 1.)  first being approved by Congress, and 2.) then summarily vetoed by the President, your Party boss Senator Lee, with 3.) Senator McConnell, already having tallied the votes of Congressional republicans whom he’ll manipulate which republicans can vote against efforts to achieve 4.) a super majority to override the President’s veto, and 5.) which republicans cannot vote in favor of the resolution due to weak support back home, and their efforts to get re-elected.  Weak republican senators will be allowed to not over-rule the President’s veto and vote to kill the Kaine Resolution, Strong republicans will be allowed to vote for the Kaine Resolution.  And 6.) in the end, the veto will stand, because the necessary 2/3s super-majority vote in Congress will not be attained – by design.  Finally 7.) the sham will be effective, the Congressional party controlled wool pulled over your eyes, and all of the people will be fooled, in this case, some of the time.  Let’s hope not ALL of the time.  Owwww, ouch, stop it, the truth hurts. 

Folks, you can fix this.

And so, the emboldened President will bellow out a laugh at you, Congressional sock-puppets, from his perch at Mar-a-Lago, while simultaneously choking on a fork full of meatball from his spaghetti plate and belching up a glob of pasta onto the bib tucked into his collar, then washing it down with a gulp of Merlot, still choking and coughing, from his wine chalice… opps, I mean grape juice – the POTUS does not consume alcohol.  I guess he is the right man for the job after all – right?! (Apologies, I can’t get the visual out of my mind now either).

Senator Lee, your silence on the matter is by default silent acquiescence of the White Houses’ interference in the Stone case.  Thank you again Sir, you have demonstrated the shallows of your character and propensity for putting your party and re-election fortunes before the people you’re supposed to serve.  Folks, do you deserve better?  Let’s all have a good laugh at these incumbent Congressional representatives, like the POTUS, and choke on a meatball too. 

Folks, you can fix this.

Oh, and this just in…. the POTUS has just pardoned a number of convicted felons and infamous buddies: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-pardons/trump-commutes-blagojevich-sentence-pardons-junk-bond-king-milken-idUSKBN20C2J9.  Now, you may ask, why is the president releasing convicted felons from their sentences and convictions?  The answer is, because he can!  These releases from convictions are not altruistic due to blatant miscarriages of justice such as might be the case of an incarcerated innocent man where new evidence has surfaced to overturn his conviction.  No, these are simply the POTUS’s rich buddies, who are proven and admitted felons in courts of law, being let off the hook.  Someone please save us!  Are you all really okay with this folks?  Senator Lee?  

Folks, you can fix this.

You may ask, why is the POTUS doing this now?  Well, you might say its because the Republicans sock-puppeted-up and did not even censure the president on the heels of his impeachment trial, thereby empowering him to further abuse his position and give him license to do whatever he feels like doing, and, again, you’d be right.  But the other reason for this timing is to allow the outrageous pardons to subside before the run up to the debates later in the year.  The POTUS certainly does not want to have these pardons work against him in the coming presidential race – that sly dog!  (I say that with love and affection - smiles). Man, we’re so naive!   

Folks, you can fix this.

Senator Lee, are you still on board with this example of leadership?  Is this who you are?  

Utah has choice in 21 months - in November of 2022.  Utah can decide to “Do-the-right-Thing.”  If you feel like the leadership you’re currently getting from Senator’s Lee and a do-nothing Congress is the best we can hope for, then keep voting for them.  If you feel you deserve better and want representatives that will “Do-the-right-Thing,” and maintain a Constitutionally mandated system of strong, not weak, “Checks and Balances” without the shackles of party agendas and control before America’s interests first, then support COL Mike Seguin (USA, Retd), Utah Bull Moose Party. 

Imagine, a representative that will “Do-The-Right-Thing” for America – First!  A representative who will serve with grinding teeth and clinched fists to assure the fight to “Do-The-Right-Thing” is the only motivation, as our Congressional leaders are supposed to do.

Vote out incumbents and get American’s in there that will “Do-The-Right-Thing!”  Folks, you - only you - and your vote that counts – can fix this.
