Innovationism, Resiliency, Regulation (IRR) – Key Components of Inspired Leadership
IRR, not a particularly novel or catchy acronym, but a powerful abbreviation the Utah Bull Moose Party has long since stood for and is embodied as a foundational cornerstone of its message and platform. In these times of global pandemic, the underlying philosophy IRR represents is even more important than ever for America and its health. IRR alone is not a substitute for the need for “Inspired Leadership,” the lack of which all else is lost. IRR is part of the road-map our elected representatives (our “inspired leadership”) must follow if we are to remain strong and secure as a culture and people.
IRR underpins the larger top three components of America’s national security, and your personal security, which are Political Health, Economic Health, and Military Health. The latter three components form a “three-legged stool” all of which support America’s way of life and is also extensively articulated in the Utah Bull Moose Party platform ( Without the health of those three legs, all else begins to crumble and we reside in a less secure and more vulnerable society.
Underpinning America’s Political, Economic, and Military health, is IRR. If you, and your elected representatives, take your eye off the IRR ball, you begin to the see failure of the three-legged stool – a place that does not serve your bests interests, and an undesirable circumstance that can be difficult to correct - before you even know it. This is why inspired leadership is so essential. A closer look at IRR, why it’s important, and why you should care follows.
1. Innovationism. The capacity to innovate, with an eye always toward doing the right thing (our values), as embodied in America’s Constitution and Bill of Rights. Innovation is the secret sauce in maintaining the health of American society and essential to ensuring America’s leadership position on the global stage. America wants to maintain that position because we, and the world, is most secure and free when a benign global hegemon leads by rule of law and the values collectively embraced by western leaning democracies. This reality is self-evident. The most innovative countries, political movements, cultures, and economies are the ones that survive, thrive and stand the test of time. When innovation is lost, cultures and economies begin to fail. Therefore, capable and inspired leadership that nurtures innovation is the key to maintaining the economic health that permits the United States to lead on the global stage and maintain our collective security interests. A mouthful indeed.
2. Resiliency. All cannot be so weak in the chain of security and interests of our country, society, culture, and even households – including the management of our personal lives - such that if one link in that chain breaks, all is lost. Resiliency means ensuring you can take a punch in the nose, get up, and press on. One ill wind cannot topple a society like a house of cards if its resilient. An example: In the current circumstances of COVID-19, uninspired Congressional leadership knew pandemic influenza was a threat for decades. Leadership failed to address resiliency in our healthcare system and deliberately prepare for the inevitable and metaphorical “punch in the nose.” Now, we find ourselves in a otherwise manageable crisis, poorly prepared to take care of the health of our families. A lack of inspired leadership that considers all of America’s threats and ensures we are resilient and prepared is the kind of leadership we must demand if we are to survive and thrive.
3. Regulation. “Intelligent” regulation. It’s not a four-letter word (regulation). We need it, we want it. We want our planes to land safely (as regulated through the FAA), we want our drugs to be safe and work (as regulated through the FDA), and we want our food to be healthy. We want regulation, we don’t want the swamp drained of the institutions that work and protect us. But intelligent regulation is the key. Failure to properly lead and regulate, within our means, exposes us to avoidable threats. Congress holds the Executive Branch accountable for managing our threats and taking action to regulate and mitigate potential threats before they take an excessive toll. Congress, and the Executive branch, have failed in this regard.
Though IRR is no substitute for inspired leadership, they go hand in hand. IRR is a crucial component necessary for our elected representatives, our leadership, to focus their energy to maintain our national interests. Where we must exercise extreme caution is making certain that our elected representatives know this intimately, and just as importantly, take action to behave with the clear-headed priorities of IRR in mind. Otherwise, the three-legged stool begins to weaken and crumble before you know it, and tip America like a house of cards.
Today, we are experiencing a “Black Swan” moment. A wake-up call. Congress currently, and has not for decades, had the right clear-headed elected representatives that do what’s right for America first. Congress does what they see is right, in their minds, for their parties first, and their own re-election interests first – with you and America’s interests coming in a distant third. Today, we see the painful reality of being vulnerable due to depleted national emergency stores of medical supplies and infrastructure that is incapable of handling a surge in demand. We see critical machinery, devises, and drugs – including our antibiotics, all outsourced to our next peer, and unfriendly, competitor (China). Why, because your elected representatives have allowed it. They have allowed it in the name of misguided globalist policies, lobbyist profit dollars, and their own self-interests before Americas. It’s time to fix this.
The Utah Bull Moose Party puts America’s interests first. The Utah Bull Moose Party cares nothing about party or personal fortunes, it cares only about the health of America and our families! This is the kind of inspired, level-headed, well-informed leadership that will do the right thing I want representing me. Maybe you want that too?
The next time you go to the poles, don’t vote incumbent parties – neither Democrats nor Republicans. Vote for capable third-party representatives that will do the right thing.
Utah Bull Moose Party – U.S. Senate 2022