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Are the Republicans and Democrats Essentially One and the Same?

The Daily Wire (Frank Camp) reported on June 6 the meeting of senior political party leaders from the Democratic and Republican parties at Deer Valley, Utah, that week. Particularly interesting is how the author of the article, Frank Camp, notes the similarities between the two parties, and in particular Joe Biden's (D) encouragement to Mitt Romney (R) to run for Hatch's senate seat in 2018. I find the collusion striking. The meeting underscores how both parties appear to be, and over time have become, one and the same. Are we simply re-electing party elites who attempt to consolidate power for themselves and their special interests?  Don't be fooled folks.  This, I believe, is part of the problem - something that needs to be changed.

"Bag the Elephant" Utah Bull Moose Party - 2018.  

Mike SeguinComment