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Where’s the money going for health care?: Congressional recess without a vote on fixing the healthcare system – Folks, vote them out and get someone in there that will fix the problem.

ABC News reports this morning Congress is going home on recess after determining they do not have the votes to reform the health care system: (  For seven years, ABC reports, the GOP has been advocating the repeal and replacement of Obamacare (Affordable Care Act), and the bill’s vote is now delayed AGAIN.

Isn’t seven years enough time to analyze this problem and come up with the solution America wants?  It took us less time to win WWII and send a man to the moon!!!  Considering the resources the GOP has, shouldn’t this already be a slam-dunk?!!?  SEVEN YEARS!!!

Folks, consider these facts…

1.       The U.S. has the largest GDP of any nation on the planet. 

2.       The U.S. represents only 5% of the global population. 

3.       The U.S. is the nation that spends the highest percentage of its GDP on health care.

4.       The U.S. ranks 42nd in the world on life expectancy (in case you’re wondering – that’s bad!) (

Folks, the money is already there to give us the affordable healthcare you want – you don’t need to pay more.  You need to pay less.  Dare I suggest that the problem is the multi-term career politicians who are more interested in their next election and the special health care industry interests who lobby and fund incumbents’ re-election campaigns than “doing-the-right-thing” for you, your family, and America?

I urge you all to voice your opinion, write your elected officials, and tell them they are OUT if this is not fixed immediately.  Special interests and deepening government mismanagement of health care will continue to dig deeper into your pocket, and drive our national debt up unless you insist on an intelligent solution to health care immediately.

Tired of this yet?  Senator Hatch, Utah Republican Party, you've let us down.  Let's get some new grass-roots Republican leadership in there that will get the ship righted.    

Single terms... Yea Baby!!!

Utah Bull Moose Party – U.S. Senate 2018

Mike SeguinComment