Utah Bull Moose Party

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“Let Obamacare Fail.” Really?! Your course of action is to let the plan fail?! What kind of leadership and strategy is that?!

Mr. Hatch, why is your party in such disarray and and unprepared to implement a solution to healthcare after years of complaining about it having had the chance while not in the majority to develop alternative legislation?!  How can you not accept responsibility for this?! 

Folks, I’m a results guy.  The measure of a project’s success is based on measurable results.  Attacking the man or woman is of course counter-productive, and generally bad form.  However, accepting bad Congressional leadership is bad business and bad for you.  President Trump refuses to accept responsibility for the continuing health care failures saying, “I’m not gonna own it!”  He says he’s not accepting accountability for it (http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/07/18/trump-says-time-to-let-obamacare-fail-after-health-bill-stalls.html).  I am humbly not attempting in any way to diminish the credibility of the executive office or suggesting I do not support President Trump wholeheartedly as our Commander-and-Chief, however I don't understand the policy.  How can I express my concern without laying into question the efficacy of the underlying Congressional and Executive leadership in this particular circumstance and not be convicted?  How can I express my views in an intelligent and constructive manner and not violate the spirit of the United States Code?      

The House, Senate, and White House is Republican controlled.  Folks, it doesn’t get better than that.  And, they had EIGHT years to draft an alternative.  What’s going on?!  I will tell you.  Incompetent leadership inside a party that is sick within, has lost its way, and has hollowed out its leadership to the point where its vast power and resources is unable to be leveraged to provide the solutions we as a nation need!  We won WWII in less than eight years.  We put a man on the moon in less than eight years.  Now, you tell me you can’t write a policy or even draft legislation on health care - in a open bipartisan forum - in the same amount of time and pass it when you control ALL the legislative offices?!  I will state the obvious - existing leadership needs to be replaced.  

Oh, and for the record, The Utah Bull Moose Party is not in favor of centralized, federalized, or nationalized, single payer health care programs.  This is not healthy for Americans for a vast number of reasons.  Let's talk about the financial health of the U.S. postal system, or how about the health of Medicare, or perhaps a conversation about the $20 trillion in debt we're sitting on.  Maybe some conversation about fixing all that, and much more, should be had before we hand over health care to the Federal government?    

Folks, we need inspired leadership that knows how to build bridges and get results.  We don’t have it.  I want it.  I want better.  Don’t you?

Are you going to continue to vote for this?  If you are happy with what you’re getting, please, keep voting for it.  If you want better, put your vote with leadership that gets results.  After all, isn't doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different result, kind of ridiculous?  I propose getting new leadership in the Republican party that leverages their vast resources both financially and intellectually and holds the party accountable for being professional and prepared, and creating and promoting healthy and intelligent legislation BEFORE it is ever brought to the Congressional floor for a vote.  There's an old military adage that suggests "the battle is won before the first soldier sets foot, or the first bullet is fired, on the battlefield."  There's a lot of truth to that. 

Republican’s, vote Utah Bull Moose Party for Senate – 2018.  “Bag the Elephant!”