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Bernie Sanders Writing Teen Guide to Political Revolution: “Bernie Sander’s Guide to Political Revolution.”

Mr. Sander’s says many of the right things in encouraging our younger generation to become aware of the problems we face.  He rightfully supports and encourages getting our younger generation involved in shaping the health of America though our democratic system.  However, I question the use of the term “Revolution” in his new book’s title (  Of course, the concept of revolution and its many meanings lay on a wide spectrum of interpretation and definitions.  For me, there’s something distasteful about the message being sent in his chosen title.  Is its purpose to grab attention or a euphemism aimed at inspiring a darker message?  I am not for revolution in America, I’m for informed and intelligent leadership that excites the passion of those who care about the health of America and America’s values and system of governance in a positive way and "doing-the-right-thing.  When Mr. Sander’s abandoned his constituency, and supported, and threw his weight behind, Ms. Clinton and the Democratic Party in the 2016 Presidential race, I believe he gave us a peak into the self-interests behind his political ambitions.  And, as the record shows, many of his supporters felt understandably alienated by the turning of his coat.  My point to us all is to be careful of the leaders you select and what motivates them.

The Utah Bull Moose Party is a grass-roots effort to inspire the idea of single term elected representatives who are pursuing involvement in politics, not as a career, but as a civic responsibility with the intent to get in, do-the-right-thing, and get out.  Term limits give other Americans the opportunity to build on the health of our communities and country and make a difference for the sake of the health of our country, homes, and families.

Leadership that builds bridges and works to do its best to wrestle with our problems and find best solutions and outcomes is what The Utah Bull Moose Party is all about.  Revolting and revolution for me is not in the direction of what is helpful or healthy for America, in fact, I would submit that it plays more into the hands of those adversaries who seek to undermine the health of America.

The Utah Bull Moose Party will never change its foundational values whose genesis are in the U.S. Constitution, will never lie to you, and will focus on “doing-the-right-thing” for the best interests of all Americans and America.

Utah Bull Moose Party - 2018

Mike SeguinComment