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Are we beginning to travel down the path of the fall of ancient Athens, the first democratic republic, thousands of years ago? Not on my watch!!! Utah Bull Moose Party - U.S. Senate 2108!!!

Webster’s defines Demagoguery as “a leader who makes use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power (

Thucydides was an Athenian historian and general. His History of the Peloponnesian War recounts the 5th- BC war between Sparta and Athens and the fall of Athens in large part by the hand of a treacherous and treasonous, but charismatic and strong, Athenian Statesman-leader-general named Alcibiades.

A lesson learned from the fall of Athens and the world’s first democratic state is for the citizenry to be involved, be objective, and do not fall prey to demagogues that could lead us astray.  Choose the intelligent leaders, patriotic leaders, and strong leaders who at their core have America’s best interests in mind.  But not demagogues who have, at best, best intentions and charisma, and at worst, are lacking a vision, plan, and capability to achieve what’s in the best interests of America.

Are you happy with the leadership the existing parties are offering?  America will not fall on our watch - right?

Utah Bull Moose Party – U.S. Senate 2018

Mike SeguinComment