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Thank You Founders & Legislatures & Entrusted Officials

Thank you founders and thank you to all those who have taken their oaths seriously to support and defend America's constitutional processes and mandates.  Thank you to the majority of patriotic folks who have done their best to do the right thing, and who, like me, have faith in America and our system of government.

Monday "Officially" seals the fate of who was the winner and who was the loser in November's 2020 presidential election by 50 "independent, legitimate, and free" elections in accordance with America's founder's intent and the spirit of the law. Regardless of who individuals preferred to have won, we can breathe a sigh of relief that America's institutions uniformly did not buckle under attempts to lay into question and undermine the legitimacy of our democracy like has never been tested before.  This year, America won.

Congratulations are in order to those republicans and democrats entrusted to do what is right in spite of scores of legal challenges in states across the country - challenges that tested the fabric of America's Constitution and in the end all held strong.  And thank you to former Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff General Mark Milley for reassuring America that the military had every intention of holding strong and not getting involved in the presidential malaise.  And, a shout out to the Supreme Court – 100% unanimous in telling President Trump to “Stop” and that his assertions in the eyes of the law have been deemed meritless: The Supreme Court's clear message to President Donald Trump: Stop (

It is about America folks - not about elected individuals or parties.

Whatever Monday's electoral college outcome, America should take some ease in knowing our institutions and free system of government works. Thank you founders, thank you individual state legislatures, and thank you to all those in trusted positions of authority for taking your oaths seriously and doing the right thing.

And, thank you for Keeping America Great and allowing the United States to continue to lead as an example to the rest of the world of what good looks like: ('The moment of truth': The Electoral College prepares to hand Trump the loss he refuses to accept (

Merry Christmas America and Merry Christmas to all who care about doing what is right.

COL Michael “Mike” Seguin (USA RETD)

The Mad Moose

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