Throwing the WHO Under the Bus: Firing the World Health Organization with No Back Up Plan
If there is reason to change the WHO's leadership and refocus its behavior and policies, then insist on doing so - especially if you're the one paying the bills - which America is. America holds the marbles. But, having no game-plan to address a global pandemic after tossing out your international agency charged with doing that work lays into question the efficacy of American leadership. I'm not seeing the "Art of the Deal" here folks - just more incompetency:…/trump-s-exit-from-who-me…/ar-BB14Oi6H…
There comes a point – a tipping point – where if every person, every organization, every endeavor your responsible for around you continues to fail and your answer is to fire, replace, or blame them – especially after being in that leadership position for “years,” an intelligent assessment of the problem has to consider that maybe its “YOU” who’s the problem.
Was there an investigation into the WHO’s behavior? Were there intelligent findings that point to needed reforms? Was there a motion to insist on implementation of managerial reforms at the WHO? Were they rejected? And, what is your specific game plan to replace the WHO if you plan to reject them. BE SPECIFIC!
In the case of the WHO, if you’re going to toss them out the window, then what’s your alternative plan? You MUST BE SPECIFIC – especially in the middle of a global pandemic. Throwing the WHO under the bus, blaming others for your failure to lead them, taking action to throw out the baby with the bath water to distract attention from your own failures, and having no articulatable alternative plan in the midst of a global pandemic is an excellent example of bad judgement and bad leadership.
It begs the question: Is the POTUS deliberately undermining himself because deep inside he hopes to not get re-elected? Folks, his behavior is not a display of professional or intelligent leadership. A responsible leader must articulate the circumstances with facts, and then have a specific way-forward that makes sense. He has done neither and we are left to guess. The world – whom America is supposed to lead – is left wondering what happened to America!
Folks, the parties are sick. Consider discontinuing giving your support to either of them, and the leadership choices you are fed, but always dislike. Get people into Congress that put America first, not party or individual re-election fortunes. Consider independents who seek only to intelligently “Do-The-Right-Thing.”
Utah Bull Moose Party – U.S. Senate 2022