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Ten Things I Like About President Donald Trump

To be clear up front, I am writing this piece in an effort to be fair relative to President Trump’s efforts since taking office.  The record, in my opinion, is weak, but not the subject here today.  I am doing my best to step back and give credit where credit is due.  So, these are the top 10 things that have come to my mind as things I like about President Trump.

1.      Shined light on a weak Congress:  President Trump has been like a bull in a China shop in his efforts to shake things up.  A lot of people appreciate that, or at least appreciate the intent – as I do.  Though I think his approach has been counterproductive to America’s interests and have divided the country, reduced America’s stature on the global stage, and alienated our allies.   He has, however, shined light on Republican and Democratic leadership that puts themselves and their party’s interests before America’s interests.  I believe this is the biggest thing for me.  More clearly than ever – going back to President Theodore Roosevelt’s concerns relayed in his 1912 campaign speech "The Progressive Covenant with the People" ( - President Trump has made clear his great contempt for Congressionally elected representatives and Political parties.  He casts those aside he has no use for, he uses those that advance his interest, and, he cares nothing for them.

2.      Strong with Iranian shipping lane harassment: Americans are a strong patriotic people not afraid of conflict – but, we demand intelligent use of power.  We therefore respond to President Trumps efforts to be strong in a favorable way as occurred in April of 2020 when he ordered further harassment of the U.S. Navy by Iran to result in armed engagement:

3.      Tried a new approach with N. Korea:  The policies of dealing with N. Korean international crimes and proliferation of WMDs has failed by previous administrations for decades.  President Trump tried a new diplomatic approach of extending a hand to N. Korea.  It was a good effort, I give him points for trying a new approach.  Unfortunately, it did not work.  In fact, when the country’s leader fell ill in April of 2020, it was not American or Western medical attention N. Korea sought for its leader, it was Chinese – demonstrating who N. Korea trusts and is closer to.  Still, the experiment was worth a try – and I think there is still merit in trying an approach that seeks to bring N. Korea into the international fold.

4.      Efforts to renegotiate trade deals with Mexico, China, ASEAN, etc.  I think the efforts to get better economic circumstances and relationships established with competing countries is a key part of the President’s job description.  He should do that, and I feel President Trump has made a lot of noise to get a better deals.  But, I can’t say I have seen anything that is substantially different.  So, the rhetoric is good, but what’s been the result?  Perhaps time will tell. 

5.      Efforts to bring manufacturing jobs back to America:  This is huge.  And, it needs to be done.  Again, the rhetoric is well placed, but what has been the result?  I am not seeing any.  China is not a friend of America or the West.  America needs to be competitive on every level.  Manufacturing is key part of that.  As the pandemic has shown, the policies of the United States’ previous administrations have sold out America and that needs to be fixed ASAP.

6.      Efforts to insist allies pay more for our collective security:  This is an absolute priority.  Again, the rhetoric is well placed.  But, I am not seeing measurable results.  My sense is more damage with our allies has been done than good.  President Trump has the right idea we can all support, but the execution is poorly communicated, executed, and measured.

7.      Efforts to strengthen our border security:  The “Wall” has become a physical artifact or symbol around which those who want strong border management – including me – but is a complete failure.  I want intelligent border management, but the President made a non-crisis into an issue that did not bring America closer together, but polarized and symbolically made America appeal weak on the global stage – a matter of National Security concern.

8.      Placement of U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem:  This was the right call.  Bottom-line, Israel belongs to Israel, their capital is Jerusalem, it would be, and has been, shameful to not locate international Embassies there.  Good call, long overdue.

9.       Stamina: Hey, you got to hand it to a 73-year-old man who has the stamina to operate as the President of the United States.  He’s held up remarkably well for a person under siege 24/7 and has fought to do what he believes is right and has not shirked away or crawled into the fetal position and started to cry.  A billionaire who could be spending his days golfing in Florida has instead decided to put up with the daily dramas he fights and has hung in there.  This is a trait not to be overlooked.

10.  Deep State:  This means many different things to many people.  But calling out the media for their biased agendas has been healthy conceptually – but he has made enemies of the media instead of rewarding them for fair and balanced journalism.  He should not be arguing with them in press conferences as he does.  He should command more respect from them for his office or dismiss them from press conferences.  Professional behavior and responsibility is something neither his administration or the media have exhibited well.  As for the Deep State – its not just the media that is at play, it is also the bureaucrats who for years have known they can just wait out an elected official if they don’t like them or their policies.  This is a problem that President Trump has brought to the fore and needs to be addressed. As far as those who seek to manipulate and destroy America, I simply have not seen such extreme views exhibited in my time with the Federal Government as a senior officer and leader in both the Department of Defense and U.S. State Department – but, I would say, Congress needs to step up and address ownership for how America is governed and kept healthy – the two parties have failed at this tremendously.

In summary, my sense is President Trump has a lot of the right ideas and intent (but more bad ones).  He has failed because he does not embrace the need or desire to learn how to leverage the power and institutions at his disposal to intelligently effect positive and lasting change.  Sure, he has installed multitudes of conservative judges which will have a lasting effect on America, but that’s not enough.  I see President Trump as a start, but he is not the savior of America.  America needs better leadership that addresses his concerns, and those of the people that support him, but he is not the guy – just the man that has lit the fuse.

Utah Bull Moose Party

COL Michael “Mike” Seguin

U.S. Army - Retd

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