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Am I a Liberal?

A nice gentleman came by “The Moose” as I was placing the daily “toast” to Colonel Roosevelt and the Rough Riders atop the old XKE normally parked out front the other day – a small window into the insanity and tongue-n-cheek craziness I deliver from time to time to tickle the conversational funny bone of our wonderfully diverse customers that enter my den of Rough Riders (the kids who work at The Mad Moose).  He was a friendly fellow I thought.  He and his bud were riding their bikes that morning and we all chatted about the Olympics for a moment. 

At one point, he said, “Oh, say, are you the guy who occasionally writes the liberal articles in the Ogden Valley News?”  He was friendly about it and I said, well, I try to occasionally have an active, hopefully intelligent, voice in our community paper.  After a very friendly chat, where I took absolutely no offense, they rode away.  And I thought, hmmm, liberal, is that how some of the Valley folks perceive me?

So I thought about it.  And I thought about my deliberate efforts to try and not identify with either party, or label myself as either liberal or conservative – yet still participate – hopefully intelligently - in matters that affect us all.  And though I truly believe there are good people in “both” parties, my angst with both is attributed to the leadership I feel has fallen short.  I believe wholeheartedly we should expect better.

And, I thought about it some more.  I thought about my days as an Army commander, and my days assigned to diplomatic missions around the world.  And I thought about my behavior with our customers and my WONDERFUL Rough Riders – gratuitous and shameful reminder: please remember for most of my Rough Riders it’s their first job, they really always do their best, but they make mistakes from time to time too, so please be courteous and patient with them – they’ll make things right with you if they fall short – I guarantee it.

I digress, my bad…

So, In all my years I never attributed like or dislike or a label of Liberal, Progressive, or Conservative when it came to the people I was responsible for.  I cared about their safety, and the health of their experience in my communities where I always tried to make a positive difference and do the right thing regardless of those labels.  Actually, until I came home to America, I never thought about those labels.  I just tried to do the right thing, listen, watch, and occasionally make the right call and sometimes maybe even get it right.

So, today I thought, am I a Liberal?  I don’t think I am.  I don’t think I’m a Conservative either.  I try to just be the kind of person that does the right thing.  But, if you make it by The Mad Moose, and catch me placing the daily toast to “The Colonel,” or coaching one of my Rough Riders, please take a moment to bend my ear and tell me if I am off target and getting it wrong.  I do listen closely and truly value your thoughtful opinions – I lean as I go.  And from time to time, even change my mind after you tell me something new.

In the meantime, I’d like to thank the community’s parents for loaning me their teens and having the chance to shape them into Rough Rider’s and give them a healthy chance to succeed at what for many is their first job… which for me is the best part of what some may believe have come to be perceived as my extreme ways at The Mad Moose – a pretty fun gig I admit. I hope it lasts awhile - whatever my label may be.

Mike SeguinComment