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Afghanistan: Relax folks– It’s Okay!

Relax. All will be okay with Afghanistan. I don’t say this as a naïve, hopeful, out of touch, wishful thinking contrarian dove. I take the matter seriously, especially for our fallen troops. And, I say this as a senior leader who has spent years close to the matter, assignment at the Embassy in Kabul, and decades working with American allies.   

My first response to the drama in Kabul has been published in detail at the website.  You can find an assessment there of accountability and what in hindsight should have been done.  Short of taking a look at that, as a former diplomat (Embassy in Afghanistan – 2008) and Senior Army Leader (U.S. Army War College – Class of 2017), I want to encourage you take a deep breath and relax – just relax.

Our troops did a great job and represented America well for 20 years there.  America avoided attacks emanating from Afghanistan for two decades.  And, Osama bin Laden was brought to justice in 2011.  Now, instead of America spending its treasure to the tune of billions of dollars indefinitely policing and building Afghanistan, the Taliban and its benefactors now get the job.

Folks, the Taliban doesn’t want their asses kicked again.  They need their benefactors (Pakistan, and others) and the international community to recognize their leadership as legitimate.  The Taliban has a vested interest in getting their act together and governing as responsibly as they can

Sure, the Taliban will not govern as America would without women’s rights obscenities, their version of Sharia Law, and all that.  But let’s face the cold fact.  Afghanistan did not want what America and NATO was selling.  They didn’t want it!  The people of Afghanistan did not want it Folks!  After 20 years of getting the chance to stand on their own, Afghanistan folded overnight – OVERNIGHT!  Their own President and leadership was among the first to get out of Dodge and abandon their people – quite remarkable in the annals of human history actually.  America doesn’t need to peal that onion back any deeper.  Afghanistan did not want what America was selling.  We should have gotten out 10 years ago.

I have no love for, or make excuses for, the leadership of either party, but President’s Obama, Trump, and Biden have done their best with the “soup sandwiches” they were delivered (though as mentioned, President Obama, and subsequently President Trump, failed to deliver a more timely and orderly exit when they had the chance, after calculating that taking on the Taliban’s benefactors was not an option, both leaving the mess for their successors).  Every opportunity was given by each American President to afford the leadership of Afghanistan a chance.  Neither the Democrats or the Republicans failed nearly as much as the Afghan leadership did… Afghanistan failed.  Afghanistan failed to embrace the vision America offered.  Tragic, yes.  Expensive, yes.  Intelligence failures in assessing the requirements for an orderly withdraw, absolutely.  But it was time to stop investing in a regime that could not, given “EVERY OPPORTUNITY,” stand on its own.  Now, its time to look forward and find a different approach to assuring America’s security interests relative to Afghanistan. 

Folks, Afghanistan simply did not want what America was selling.  And, that’s okay.  If America sees a threat coming from their direction, we’ll address it forcefully and decisively when the time comes.  My sense is to let it go.  Just let it go.  We will be okay, our allies will be okay, and Afghanistan will be okay with the decisions they’ve made.

Thank God we will not be wasting any more lives or treasure there.  Avoid the doomers and gloomers on this matter.  When the messy exodus (NEO- Noncombatant Evacuation Operation) is done, there will be time to attack our leaders and institutions, the media will assure us of that, and place blame, conduct investigations, and exercise reforms.   In the meantime, let’s keep our fingers crossed that our painful withdraw is as painless as possible.

Thoughts?  Come by The Mad Moose.  Share a “Cup of Victory” with me.  I’ll share a story with a poignant message.  A message of optimism in creating and maintaining strong alliances.  A Japanese Carrier Strike Group Commander & Admiral, German soldiers, and Vietnamese officers on an American staff, docked off Ford Island in Honolulu, the site of the December 7th Japanese attacks against America and how to more intelligently, and cost effectively, assure America’s security and leadership on the global stage.

So folks, relax.  America is not weak – it’s VERY strong.  Keeping it strong and supporting America with good, elected representatives that have their heads clear and their vision on target with what’s best for America and its presence on the global stage is key.  Stay focused on doing what’s right for America – even sometimes when it hurts.

Mike SeguinComment